The Fandom Fifty is On Its Way!

Sorry for the extended absence from blogging but we’ve been busy both with writing and editing projects as well as fending off that gluttonous and enervating creature known as Real Life. You know, the one that brings no end of distractions and problems in its malevolent attempts to demotivate us.

Unfortunately, that particular beast has been working overtime as of late.

However, we are excited to report that Diane Baron’s upcoming non-fiction book, The Fandom Fifty, is nearly through the first round of editing.

The Fandom Fifty, due out later this year, is a collection of interviews and anecdotes from many of the organizers, guests, and attendees of Maryland’s SF Convention scene. The Baltimore region is home to a number of popular and enduring SF cons that include Farpoint, Balticon, Shore Leave, and others.

Cover art by Todd Brugmans.

More updates soon!

The Fandom Fifty by Diane Lee Baron

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