Meanwhile in the Middle of Eternity

Meanwhile in the Middle of Eternity coverIn eternity, all stories are timeless.

Join gods and mortals in combat against slithering demons in famine-stricken Finland… Witness an unconventional battle of wits as a devious genie tries to outfox a clever robot… Ride with two hapless deliverymen as they stumble upon a frightening ritual to propitiate an ancient and malevolent power… Escape to a remote corner of the globe with a desperate family fleeing an insidious alien invasion… Follow a fraternity pledge as he undergoes an initiation to terror at a local cemetery… and much more!

Travel through time and across the cosmos with storytellers Daniel Patrick Corcoran, Michael Critzer, Sean Druelinger, Julie Fedon, Phil Giunta, Christopher Ochs, Peter Ong, Bart Palamaro, Susanna Reilly, Stuart S. Roth, April Welles, Lance Woods, and Steven H. Wilson.

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Firebringer Press would like to thank our Indiegogo contributors for their generosity in helping us bring this anthology to publication:

Lorraine J. Anderson, RM Barry, John Boswell, Daniel Patrick Cocoran, Michael Critzer, Sean Druelinger, Shaun Erickson, Helen Eshleman, Matt Ferdock, Mitzi Flyte, Lee Friedman, Allyn Gibson, Matthew P. Gubanich, James Higham, Charles Kiernan, Daniel Krippene, Michael Krombopulous, Troy Pacelli, Leeon Pezok, Cheyenne Reilly, Carolyn Spivak, Judith Waidlich, and Carol L. Wright.